770 Kennesaw Avenue - Marietta, GA - 30060 - (770) 425-0547

Ladie's Prayer Event for Heather Corhan

All Ladies, the Women's Ministry would like to invite you to join us for a Morning of Prayer - Wed January 22, 9:45 am.
Please join us as we worship and pray. Our precious and beloved Heather Corhan will be having another gamma knife procedure on her brain this Wednesday morning very early and we want to cover her in our joint prayers, as well as any others who desire prayer. There is something special about how the Holy Spirit moves as we join our hearts together. Carol McBride, one of our Bible Study leaders, will be leading us through a guided time of prayer.
Nursery provided at 9:30 am - please contact Carol McBride in advance if you plan to use the nursery so we can make sure to have plenty of workers.(Carol@EnvisionPrinting.com or 770-826-5587).
If you cannot attend, but would like to share a prayer request or a special word of prayer, scripture, or encouragement, please forward those to Carol, as well.
We look forward to our time together lifting up our prayers to the Lord specifically for Heather, but also for other things you would like prayer for. We have a wonderful community of believers who love God and love people!